
Add an FTP account  Kinyomtatja ezt a cikket

To create an FTP account:

  1. In the Login text box, enter the desired username.
  2. In the Passwordtext box, enter the desired account password.
    • You can click the Password Generator link to have a strong password generated for you. For more information, read our Password Generator documentation.
  3. Retype the password in the Password (Again) text box.
  4. Specify the FTP account's home directory.
    • The Directory field defines the top level of directory access that will be granted to the new account. For example, an account with a Directory assignment of /$dir will not be allowed to access the parent directory but will be able to access /$dir and all of its subfolders.
  5. Set the disk space quota. The Quotafield determines how much disk space will be allocated to the FTP account.
    • If the desired quota is not Unlimited, enter the maximum amount of data in MB.
    • The user will not be able to upload more than the total disk space allotment for your hosting account, regardless of the quota you set here.
      note Note: You will not be able to use quotas if your system administrator has chosen to use ProFTP. ProFTP does not support quotas. For more information, please contact your system administrator.
  6. Click Create FTP Account. The new account will appear in the FTP Accounts table.

If you experience problems when you attempt to upload files with FTP, you may need to adjust the quota to allow more disk space for your account.

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